The Independent Hospitality Coalition (IHC) is an organization of Los Angeles hospitality operators, advocates, and workers whose purpose is to provide representation for our growing workforce and essential businesses, creating awareness of our role in the economic fabric of society. Our mission is to have a seat at the table to help shape policy and legitimize our crucial impact on greater Los Angeles communities and cities throughout California.

Our Story

IHC was founded in April 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its devastating impact on the hospitality industry. Above all, we are committed to providing a voice and provoking meaningful legislative change for all independent hospitality businesses in LA and beyond. We are stronger together, and by uniting, we have proven that we can spark real change to keep our vibrant hospitality industry aliving and thriving.

The entire BOARD OF DIRECTORS volunteer their time and efforts to serve the IHC.


Vice President

Treasurer, Member Services
Rossoblu, Superfine Pizza, Superfine Playa

Communications Chair, Board Secretary

Board Member

Board Member
Nativo HLP, House of Xelas

Our Partners

Membership Levels

  • Free - receive our newsletters to stay updated on current news, Invites to our events, access to our forums page

  • $25/month - receive our newsletters to stay updated on current news, Invites to our workshops, webinars, and networking events, access to our forums page

  • $1,000/year - receive our newsletters to stay updated on current news, Invites to our events, access to our forums page, featured on our website under Major Donors for one year

  • $2,000/year - receive our newsletters to stay updated on current news, Invites to our events, access to our forums page, featured on our website under Major Donors for one year, one newsletter sponsorship

  • $5,000/year - receive our newsletters to stay updated on current news, Invites to our events, access to our forums page, featured on our website under Major Donors for one year, one newsletter sponsorship

  • $10,000/year - receive our newsletters to stay updated on current news, Invites to our workshops, webinars, and networking events, access to our forums page, featured on our website under Major Donors for one year, one newsletter sponsorship,